My New Post

how to ensure the archetypes/bundle-post/ file exists.? ChatGPT said:

ChatGPT To ensure the archetypes/bundle-post/ file exists, follow these steps to create and verify it:

  1. Navigate to Your Hugo Project Directory In the terminal, make sure you’re in your Hugo project’s root directory:

cd /Users/minijohn/AI_Project/ 2. Create the Bundle Archetype Directory and File Check if the archetypes folder exists in your project. If it doesn’t, create it: mkdir -p archetypes/bundle-post Now create the file inside the bundle-post folder: touch archetypes/bundle-post/ 3. Add Basic Front Matter to Open the file in a text editor and add the following front matter template:

title: “{{ replace .Name “-” " " | title }}” date: {{ .Date }} draft: false resources:

  • name: “featured-image” src: “featured.jpg”

This front matter will initialize new posts with a title, date, and placeholder for an image resource.

  1. Verify the File Exists You can confirm the file exists by listing the contents of the archetypes/bundle-post directory: ls archetypes/bundle-post You should see listed. Once the archetypes/bundle-post/ file is set up, you can run:

hugo new –kind bundle-post content/en/post/2024/my-new-post This should now create a page bundle with under content/en/post/2024/my-new-post.